


  • Turnpike Theory: Some Corrections
    (1980): Econometrica, Vol.48,No. 7, pp.1839–1840[with L. McKenzie].
  • A Note on the Existence of an Optimal Capital Accumulation in the Continuous Time Horizon
    (1982): Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 27,No. 2, pp. 421–429.
  • Welfare Aspects of the Transfer Problem
    (1983): Journal of International Economics, Vol. 15,No. 3–4, pp.277–289.
  • Competitive Equilibrium on Turnpikes in a McKenzie Economy, I: A Neighborhood Turnpike Theorem
    (1984): International Economic Review, Vol. 25,No.3, pp.695–717.
  • The Primal Route to the Turnpike and Asymptotic Stability
    (1984): Journal of Mathematical Economics, Vol.13,No.3, pp. 225–234.
  • The Turnpike of Dynamic General Equilibrium Paths and Its Insensitivity to Initial Conditions
    (1984): Journal of Mathematical Economics, Vol. 13,No.3, pp.235–254.
  • Competitive Equilibrium on Turnpikes in a McKenzie Economy, II: An Asymptotic Turnpike Theorem
    (1985): International Economic Review, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 661–669.
  • Forward Exchange, Futures Trading and Spot Price Variability: A General Equilibrium Approach
    (1987): Econometrica, Vol.55,No.6, pp.1433–1450[with P. Weller].
  • Voluntary Export Restraints and Expectations: An Analysis of Export Quotas in Obligopolistic Markets
    (1989): International Economic Review, Vol.30,No. 4, pp. 707–723.
  • Comparative Statics in Dynamic Stochastic Models: Differential Analysis of a Stochastic Modified Golden Rule State in a Banach Space
    (1989): Journal of Mathematical Economics, Vol.18,pp.169–185.
  • A Local Theory of Cooperative Games
    (1989): International Journal of Game Theory, Vol. 19,pp. 301–324.
  • Von Neumann Facets and the Dynamic Stability of Perfect Foresight Equilibrium Paths in Neo-Classical Trade Models
    (1990): Journal of Economics, Vol. 51,No. 1, pp. 27–69.
  • Teoria del Equilibrio con Sendas Convertentes
    (1990): Cuadernos Economicos, Vol. 46,No. 3, pp. 27–59.
  • International Transfers: Strategic Losses and the Blocking of Mutually Advantageous Transfers
    (1991): International Economic Review, Vol. 32,No. 2, pp. 371–382.
  • Temporary Transfers in a Simple Dynamic General Equilibrium Model
    (1991): Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.54,No. 2, pp.372–388.
  • Business Cycles and Complex Non-Linear Dynamics
    (1992): Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Vol. 2,pp. 95–102[with K. Nishimura].
  • An Introduction to the Theory of Hedging and Speculation in Future Markets
    (1992): The Theory of Futures Markets (ed. By P. Weller, Blackwell, Oxford), pp. 15–35[with P. Weller].
  • Interlinkage in the Endogenous Real Business Cycles of International Economies
    (1993): Economic Theory, Vol.3,pp.151–168[with K. Nishimura].
  • Endogenous Real Business Cycles and International Specialization
    (1993): Theory, Policy and Dynamics in International Trade: in Honor of Ronald W. Jones, (ed. By W. Ethier, E. Helpman, and P. Neary, Cambridge University Press), pp. 213–236[with K. Nishimura].
  • International Transfers in Dynamic Economies
    (1993): General Equilibrium, Growth and Trade, II: in Honor of Lionel W. McKenzie, ed. By M. Boldrin, B. Becker, R. Jones and W. Thomson, Academic Press, pp. 555–582.
  • Optimal Chaos when Future Utilities are Discounted Arbitrarily Weakly
    (1993): Institute of Mathematical Analysis, Research in Non-Linear Analysis and Mathematical Economics, Lecture Note Series, ed. By T. Maruyama and W. Takahashi, Kyoto University,[with K. Nishimura] .
  • Optimal Chaos, Non-Linearity and Feasibility Conditions
    (1994): Economic Theory, Vol. 4,pp. 689–704[with K. Nishimura].
  • Ergodic Chaos in Optimal Growth Models with Low Discount Rates
    (1994): Vol.4,pp.705–717.
  • Social Capital as Public Goods and Business Cycles
    (1994): Ricerche Economiche, Vol. 18,pp. 185–193[with K. Nishimura].
  • Pecuniary Externalities of Futures Trading and Constrained Suboptimality
    (1994): Financial Economics, Vol. 1,No.1, pp.67–87.
  • Durable Capital and Chaos in Competitive Business Cycles
    (1994): Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 27, pp. 165–181[with K. Nishimura].
  • Non-Linearity and Business Cycles in a Two-Sector Equilibrium Model: An Example with Cobb-Douglas Production Functions
    (1995): Non-Linear Analysis in Mathematics and Economic Theory (ed. By T. Maruyama and W. Takahashi, Springer-Verlag), [with K. Nishimura].
  • Non-Linear Dynamics and Chaos in Optimal Growth: An Example
    (1995): Econometrica, Vol. 63,No.4, pp. 981–1001[with K. Nishimura].
  • On the Least Upper Bound of Discount Factors that are Compatible with Optimal Period-Three Cycles
    (1996)with : Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 69,No. 2, pp. 306–333[K. Nishimura].
  • Chaotic Solutions in Dynamic Linear Programming
    (1997): Chaos, Solitons and Fractals , Vol. 7,No.11, pp.1941–1953[with K. Nishimura].
  • On the Existence of Chaotic Solutions in Dynamic Linear Programming
    (1997): Proceeding on the International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, ed. by D. McDonald and M. McAleer, Modelling an Simulation Society[with K. Nishimura] .
  • On the Dual Stability of a von Neumann Facet and the Inefficacy of Temporary Fiscal Policy
    (1998): Econometrica, Vol. 66,No. 2, pp. 427–452.
  • Interior Topological Chaos with Arbitrarily Low Discount Rates
    (1998): Japanese Economic Review, Vol. 49,No. 3, pp. 223–233[with K. Nishimura and T. Shigoka].
  • The Role of Capital Depreciation in Multi-Sector Models
    (1998): Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization , Vol. 33,pp. 467–479[with G. Baierl and K. Nishimura].
  • Chaotic Solutions in Infinite-Time Horizon Linear Programming and Economic Dynamics
    (1999): Advances in Mathematical Economics, Vol. 1,pp. 115–126[with K. Nishimura].
  • Aid, Non-Traded Goods and the Transfer Paradox in Small Countries
    (1999): American Economic Review , Vol. 89,No.3, pp.431–449[with J. Nugent].
  • Stability and Turnpike Theorems in Dynamic Competitive Equilibrium
    (1999): Japanese Economic Review, Vol. 50,No.4, pp. 398–421.
  • On the Existence of Chaotic Solutions in Dynamic Linear Programming
    (1999): Mathematics and Computers in Simulation , Vol.48,pp. 487–496[with K. Nishimura].
  • Non-linear dynamics and chaos in optimal growth: a constructive exposition
    (2000): Optimization and Chaos, Majumdar, M., Mitra, T. (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 258–295[with K. Nishimura].
  • Trade Imbalance and Domestic Market Competition Policy
    (2001): International Economic Review, Vol. 42,No. 3, pp. 929–950.
  • Chaotic Equilibrium Dynamics in Endogenous Growth Models
    (2001): Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 96,pp. 97–132[with M. Boldrin, K. Nishimura, and T. Shigoka].
  • Trade, Vertical Production Chain, and Competition Policy
    (2003): Review of International Economics, Vol. 11,No.2, pp.237–252[with F. Dei].
  • Optimal Topological Chaos in Dynamic Economies
    (2004): Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Difference Equations, Augsburrg, Germany 2001,
    pp. 289–198[with K. Nishimura and T. Shigoka].
  • Working and Training: A Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Human Capital Development
    (2004): Japanese Economic Review, Vol. 55,No. 2,pp.119–140[with K. Nishimura and T. Yagi].
  • Discrete-Time in Economics: An Introduction
    (2004): Journal of Difference Equations and Applications , Vol. 10,No. 5, pp. 449–451[with K. Nishimura]
  • Short-Run Trade Surplus Creation
    (2004): Journal of Difference Equations and Applications , Vol.10,No. 5, pp. 453–461.
  • Optimal Competition Policy in a Model of Vertical Production Chain
    (2004): S. Katayama and H. Ursprung, eds.,International Economic Policies in a Globalized World, Springer, Berlin , pp. 163–176[with F. Dei].
  • Coexistence of Large Firms and Less Efficient Small Firms under Price Competition with Free Entry
    (2005): International Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 1,pp.167–188.
  • Welfare Losses From Non-Tariff Barriers: The Japanese Beef Quota Case
    (2005): Japanese Economic Review, Vol.56,pp.457–468[with R. Takahashi and H. Mizuno].
  • Network Externalities, Discrete Demand Shifts, and Sub-Marginal-Cost Pricing
    (2006): Canadian Journal of Economics , pp. 455–476[with F. Dei].
  • The Bertrand Equilibrium in a Price Competition Game
    (2006): Advances in Mathematical Economics , Vol. 8,pp. 449–465.
  • A Price Competition Game under Free Entry
    (2006): Economic Theory, Vol. 29,pp. 395–414.
  • Network Externalities, Lexicographic Demand Shifts, and Marginal Cost Dumping
    (2006): Keio Economic Studies, Vol. 42,No. 1–2, pp. 115–130[with F. Dei].
  • Introduction
    (2006): Special Issue in Honor of Professor Michihiro Ohyama, Keio Economic Studies, Vol. 42,No. 1–2, pp. –[with W. Ethier].
  • International Game of Domestic Competition Policies
    (2006): Journal of Economics of Kwansei GakuinUniversity , No.July, pp.15–27[with F. Dei].
  • Endogenous Price Leadership and Technological Differences
    (2006): International Journal of Economic Theory , Vol. 2,pp.365–383[with T. Komatsubara].
  • Short-Run Trade Surplus Creation in a Two-Sector Setting
    (2006): Japanese Economic Review, Vol.57,No. 4, pp. 476–482[with T. Honryo].
  • Introduction
    (2006): Grantmount Special Issue, International Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.2,pp. 171–173[with K. Nishimura].
  • Competition Policy or Tariff Policy: Which is More Effective?
    (2006): Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics , Vol.13,No. 2, pp. 163–170[withR. Takahashi and J. Kenzaki].
  • Endogenous Fluctuations in Two-Country Models
    (2006): The Japanese Economic Review, Vol.57,No. 4, pp.516–532[with K. Nishimura and A. Venditti].
  • Necessity of a Transversality Condition in a Firm’s Intertemporal Optimization
    (2007): Journal of Difference Equations and Applications , Vol.13,No. 1–2, pp.99–106.
  • Law and Economics of M&A Markets
    (2008): The Japanese Market — A Market Quality Perspective, ed., by M. Yano, Keio University Press, pp.–[with T. Komatsubara].
  • Economic Analysis of Market Quality
    (2008): The Japanese Market — A Market Quality Perspective, ed., by M. Yano, Keio University Press, pp.–.
  • Altruism as a Motive for Intergenerational Transfers
    (2008): International Journal of Economic Theory , Vol. 4,No. 1, pp. 95–114[with H. Fujiu].
  • Introduction to the Special Issue on Nonlinear Macroeconomic Dynamics
    (2008): International Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 4,No. 1, pp. 1–2[with K. Nishimura].
  • Competition Policy as a Substitute for Tariff Policy
    (2008): Contemporary and Emerging Issues in Trade Theory and Policy, ed by Sugata Marjit and Eden Yu, Elsevier, pp.–[with R. Takahashi and J. Kenzaki].
  • Introduction to the Special Issue in Honor of Takashi Negishi
    (2008): International Journal of Economic Theory , Vol. 4,No. 2, pp. 135–136[with J.-M. Grandmont and K. Nishimura].
  • On Professor Takashi Negishi’s Contributions to Economic Theory
    (2008): International Journal of Economic Theory , Vol. 4,No. 2, pp.137–149[with J.-M. Grandmont and K. Nishimura].
  • Competitive Fairness and the Concept of a Fair Price under Delaware Law on M&A
    (2008): International Journal of Economic Theory , Vol. 4,No. 2, pp. 175–190.
  • On Yano’s Price Leadership Game
    (2008): International Trade and Economic Dynamics: Essays in Memory of Koji Shimomura, ed by T. Kamihigashi and L. Zhao, Springer, pp.513–523[with T. Komatsubara].
  • The Foundation of Market Quality Economics
    (2009):The Japanese Economic Review , Vol.60,No.1, pp. 1–32.
  • Introduction to the Special Issue in Memory of Professor Koji Shimomura
    (2009): Review of International Economics , Vol.17,No. 2, pp.207–208.
  • Koji Shimomura: A Memoir
    (2009): Review of International Economics , Vol.17,No. 2, pp.209–229[with N. V. Long].
  • Optimal Growth and Competitive Equilibrium Business Cycles under Decreasing Returns in Two-Country Models
    (2009): Review of International Economics , Vol. 17,No. 2, pp.371-391[with K. Nishimura and A. Venditti].
  • Trade Imbalances and Harmonization of Competition Policies
    (2010): Journal of Mathematical Economics, Vol. 46,pp. 438-452[with Takakazu Honryo].
  • Expectation-Driven Fluctuations and Welfare Loss under Free Trade in Two-Country Models
    (2010): International Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 6,No. 1, pp. 97-125[with K. Nishimura and A. Venditti].
  • The 2008 World Financial Crisis and Market Quality Theory
    (2010): Asian Economic Papers, Vol.9,No. 3, pp.172-192.
  • Fundamental Difficulty Underlying International Harmonization of Competition Policies
    (2011): International Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 7,No.1,pp.111-118[with Takakazu Honryo].
  • Private Defense Of Intellectual Properties And Economic Growth
    (2011): International Journal of Development and Conflict,Vol. 1,No.3,pp. pp.355-364[with Taro Akiyama, Yuichi Furukawa].
  • Observability of Chaotic Economic Dynamics in the Matsuyama Model
    (2011): Dimensions of Economic Theory and Policy: Essays for Anjan Mukherji, ed By Krishnendu G. Dastidar, Hiranya Mukhopadhyay and Uday B. Sinha, Oxford University Press, pp.83-93[with Kenji Sato and Yuichi Furukawa].
  • Comparative Dynamics in Stochastic Models with Respect to the L∞?L∞ Duality: a Differential Approach
    (2011): Macroeconomic Dynamics, Vol.16,pp.127-138[with Kenji Sato].
  • The von Neumann?McKenzie facet and the JonesDuality theorem in two-sector optimal growth
    (2012)International Journal of Economic Theory, vol.2,pp. 213-226.
  • A Simple Condition for Uniqueness of the Absolutely Continuous Ergodic Measure and Its Application to Economic Models
    (2012): AIP Conf. Proc, Vol. 1479,pp. 737-740[with Kenji Sato].
  • Market Infrastructure and the 2008 World Financial Crisis in Industrial Revolution Cycles
    (2013): Raising Market Quality, Keio-Kyoto Joint Grobal Center of Excellence Program, pp.7-30.
  • Macroeconomic dynamics and its micro foundation: A special issue in honor of Cuong Le Van
    (2013): International Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.9,No.1,pp. 1-3[with Kazuo Nishimura, Myrna Wooders].
  • Optimal Ergodic Chaos Under Slow Capital Depreciation
    (2013): International Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 9,No.1,pp.57-67[with Kenji Sato].
  • Capital Movements, Fragmentation, and Market Quality
    (2013): Pacific Economic Review, Vol. 18,No.5,pp. 559-560[with Fumio Dei].
  • Destabilization Effect of International Trade in a Perfect Foresight Dynamic General Equilibrium Model
    (2014): Economic Theory, Vol. 55, pp.357-392[with Kazuo Nishimura, Alain Venditti].
  • Wilfred J. Ethier on Trade and Trade Policy
    (2014): International Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.10,No.1, pp.1-7[with Henrik Horn, Kazuo Nishimura].
  • Market Quality and Market Infrastructure in the South and Technology Diffusion
    (2014): International Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 10,No. 1, pp.139-146[with Yuichi Furukawa].
  • “Antitrust Policy” Versus “Industrial Policy”
    (2014): Rajat Acharyya and Sugata Marjit (ed.), Trade, Globalization and Development, Essays in Honour of Kalyan K. Sanyal, Springer, pp. 15-30[with Takakazu Honryo and Fumio Dei].